Snowstorm prediction postpones Snow Dash; town issues ‘Blue Light’ parking ban

Due to the impending snowstorm, Sunday’s running of the annual Officer Brian A. Aselton Memorial Snow Dash 5K Road Race has been postponed. The new race date is Sunday, January 28, at 1:30 p.m.

Held since 1993, the annual Snow Dash was renamed for the late East Hartford Police Officer Brian Aselton after his death on January 23, 1999. The race is co-sponsored by the town’s Parks and Recreation and Police departments.

East Hartford, along with many other cities and towns, has issued a street parking ban in light of predictions for up to 12 inches of snow Sunday. The parking ban in town begins at 6 p.m. Saturday and extends 24 hours.

Forecasters issued a winter storm watch Friday afternoon. Snow will begin to fall Saturday afternoon.
East Hartford has a flashing blue light parking ban alert system. When activated the parking ban helps Public Works snowplows and crews to clear the roads, beginning with pre-storm treatment applications of a brine solution on East Hartford’s hilly roads.

Residents lacking access to off-street parking may park in neighborhood park lots when parking bans are in effect. Look for the signs. The following lots are designated for off-street parking: Alumni Park, 1021 Main St.; McAuliffe Park, 30 Remington Road; Martin Park, 307 Burnside Avenue; Labor Field, Woodlawn Circle; Shea Park, 66 Mercer Avenue; and in the Elm St. Hockanum Linear Park parking area. Once the snowstorm is over, drivers should remove their vehicle from the lot within 8 hours.

Snowstorm advice was also issued by the town. Drive with caution. Budget extra time for travel, go slow and watch out for other drivers and pedestrians. Yield to all emergency vehicles, including snowplows.
Town ordinances require shoveling of all sidewalks 8 hours after a storm. If a storm ends overnight, property owners have 8 hours of daylight to clear the walk before risking a citation.

If questions please use the police non-emergency number, 860-528-4401. Snowstorm updates will also be regularly posted on the EHPD Facebook page.